
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Aspergillus Fumigatus Identification and Molecular Character

genus genus genus Aspergillus Fumigatus Identification and Molecular CharacterIDENTIFICATION AND molecular(a) CHARACTERIZATION OF Aspergillus fumigatus FROM SOILR. V. Shalini, and Dr. K. AmuthaABSTRACT Soil was hoard, serially diluted and pure culture obtained slant was prepared in potato grape sugar agar and maintained through come to the fore the study. morphologic, smallscopical and macroscopically designation were carried out on the isolated organism. desoxyribonucleic acid was isolated from the 24 hour culture, for ITS-PCR addition. deoxyribonucleic acid was amplified by mixing the template deoxyribonucleic acid (50nm) with the polymerase reply buffer, dNTP mix, primers and Taq. Polymerase ambit chemical reaction (PCR) was performed in a total volume of 50L reaction mixture. The PCR product was blend with loading buffer (8L) containing 0.025% bromophenol blue, 40% w/v sucrose in water and then loaded in 2% agarose gel with 0.1% of ethidium bromide and the amplifi ed product was visualized under a UV trans illuminator for notwithstanding examination. The PCR products were at long last sequenced using the booster of an automated deoxyribonucleic acid sequenator at progen Ltd (Salem, India) and analyzed with the BLAST political platform provided by the National vegetable marrow for Bio-technology in changeion (NCBI) to confirm the fungal species. The current study demonstrates that desoxyribonucleic acid genome containing 18S rRNA has a high degree of analytical sensitivity and specificity (100%) for the detection of a all-inclusive range of kingdom Fungi.OBJECTIVE To isolate, identify and characterize Aspergillus fumigatus using molecular biological methods.MATERIALS AND METHODS The soil was self-collected from diametrical places, pooled together allowed to be dried at mode temperature. The morphology based realization of Aspergillus was through which includes the size, shape, colour, ornamentation of spore and mode of attachmen t. Unfortunately a lot of difficulties arose for phenotypical appellative of this fungus due(p) to its unstable characteristics. Comparatively a DNA sequence-based appellation format appeared to be the near promising in terms of its speed, ease, objectivity and dependableness for species identification.RESULTS The preliminary morphology based studies showed the isolated fungi as a species of aspergillus.However after the DNA closing off followed by sequencing it was concluded that the particular species set as Aspergillus was Aspergillus fumigatus.KEY WORDS Aspergillus, serial dilution, DNA, Sequenced. insane asylumThe presence of organic matter in the soil affects the quantity and musical note of microbes in the soil. The development of micro fungi in the soil is favoured by soils having acidic reaction and aerobic condition which is likely present in the soil. However the amount of de dance step in the soil is brought just about by the organisms present in the soil. 1The ra te at which the organic matter is decomposed is cover related with soil microbes. (Arunachalam et al., 1997). Microorganisms come in miscellaneous sizes and shapes and is determined by the soil ph., temperature, available moisture, degree of aeration, availability of nutrients in the soil and so forth The genus of spore forming fungi is found worldwide out of which Aspergillus is the most dominant allele species and is ubiquitoes.Out of that 95% is occupied by Aspergillus fumigatus. The otherwise unhealthful forms of Aspergillus species are Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus terreus etc. This fungi exists only in mycelial form, and is thermo tolerant capable of growing at temperatures betwixt 15-53c.Being a spore producing fungi the spores gets dispersed by wind in the atmosphere.2Aspergillus fumigatus is the most common among all the airborne saprophytic fungal pathogens in repellent compromised patients mostly in developed countries (Lat ge, 1999). It is the main pathogenic agent of divers(a) diseases caused in humans including invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, aspergilloma and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (Tomee wagon train der Werf, 2001) the former is a frequent cause death in resistant compromised patients. The possession of dissimilar virulent traits gives A. fumigatus the ability to cause these diseases. It is a cognise fact that other members of the genus Aspergillus are either less pathogenic or non- pathogenic. Identification of the most common and important species remains baffling due to the variability in the phenotypic characters. However a clear and a careful approach of phenotypic classification (taxonomy) together with phylo contagious preaching of DNA sequence data is a prerequisite for a reliable and a rapid identification. In our investigation we used the molecular techniques (sequencing) for the reliable identification rather the identification based on their microscopical and few physiological features.MATERIALS METHODSCollection of soil samplesSoil samples were collected from different places (in and around Chengalpattu). The surface deposits were removed to a depth of about 10 cm and the exposed soil was collected to a depth of 2-3cm. The collected soil samples were stored in zip locked covers stored in refrigerator temperature for further analysis. The collected soil samples were passed through a sieve to remove the st iodins and other impurities. isolation of fungiThe glass wares were sterilized in an autoclave to a temperature of great hundredc for twenty minutes. The chemicals were of analytical grade (Himedia). The method used for the isolation of fungi from soil was serial dilution method. 1 gm of soil was weighed and mixed in 10ml of double distilled sterile water. This was used for preparing serial dilutions. 1 ml of the final dilution (10-6 ) was pipetted into the prepared potato dextrose agar media (PDA) amended with a suitable antibiotic Chloramphenicol (12mg/100ml). The plates were incubated at 30c for about seven days. Fungi that appeared on petriplates were isolated. The isolates were picked up based on likely dissimilarity of pagan characteristics and purified. The purified isolates were identified according to the genera on the basis of cultural characteristics such as nature of growth, spore colour, and pigment production, and on morphological characteristics of mycelia and fruit bodies (Domsch etal., 1980 Raper and Fennell 1965) and maintained in agar slants for future use3.Isolation of DNAGenomic DNA was extracted from 24 hour old culture. Measured 100 micro gram of mycelium into a sterile 1.5- micro centrifuge underpass-molded structure. Simultaneously plant 1 microgram of dried (vacuum filter mycelium first) in a daub and pestle treated with liquid nitrogen 5-6 clocks. Poured the frozen powder into the Eppendorf tube. Added 660 750 l of lysis buffer and 10 l of B-mercaptor.Vortexed the mixture for a few seconds. And Incubated at 65C for 1 hour. Used a water vat for incubation. Centrifuged at a speed of 3400 rpm for 5 minutes at room temperature and aspirated out the top layer.Transfered the top aqueous layer into a fresh Eppendorf tube discarded the bottom layer. Measured out 700 l of chloroform, isoamyl alcohol (241) into Eppendorf tube and adjusted the volume to meet a 11 ratio of aqueous phase.Vortexed the mixture for a few seconds. Centrifuged at a speed of 12000 rpm for 10 minutes at room temperature and aspirated out 550 600 l of the top layer. Transfered the top aqueous layer into Eppendorf tube and discarded the bottom layer. Added 0.1volume of 3m potassium acetate and 0.7 volume of isopropanol. Mixed wholesome by inverting the tube not by vortexing.Centrifuged for about 10 minutes and discarded the supernatant. Added 0.5 mL of ice cold ethanol (70% and inverted the tube gently, again it was centrifuged for about 5 minutes in a spinner) finally the pellets were res uspended in 100l of TE buffer (PH-8).After further purification DNA was quantified spectrophotpmetrically and the quality was analyzed in 0.9% agorose gel. elaboration of 18srRNA by PCRFor ITS-PCR amplification, DNA was amplified by mixing the template DNA (50nm) with the polymerase reaction buffer, dNTP mix, primers and Taq polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed in a total volume of 50L reaction mixture containingPrimer (2M/L) 8.0L10X Buffer 5.0 L2mM dNTP Mix 5.0LTaq DNA polymerase (5U/L) 0.5LTemplate DNA (50ng) 2.0LSterile distilled water 29.5LTotal volume 50.0LPCR amplification conditionAmplification was carried out in a primus advanced incline thermocycler. The PCR was programmed with an initial denaturing at 94C for 5 min, followed by 30 cycles of denaturation at 94c for 30 seconds, annealing at 61c for 30 seconds, and extension at 70c for 2 minutes and a final extension at 72c for 7 minutes.The PCR product was mixed with loading buffer (8L) containing 0.025% bromopheno l blue, 40% w/v sucrose in water and then loaded in 2% agarose gel with 0.1% of ethidium bromide and the amplified product was visualized under a UV trans illuminator for further examination. (Sequencing)Sequencing of ITS region for identification of isolated fungi chosen Samples of the genomic DNA containing 18S rRNA were shortlisted for more specific species confirmation by using DNA sequencing. The sequenced PCR product was aligned with other isolate sequences from NCBI genbank for identification. The PCR products were finally sequenced using the help of an automated DNA sequencer at progen Ltd (Salem, India) and analyzed with the BLAST program provided by the National Center for Bio-technology information (NCBI) to confirm the fungal species.RESULTS visible and microscopic AnalysisAnalysis of the isolated Aspergillus species showed variation in the colony colours, texture, and reverse placement colours (table 1 and 2). The morphological microscopic and molecular characteristi cs showed that the isolate is Aspergillus fumigatus (details given in table 1and 2).Morphological characters of colony (table1)CharacteristicsAspergillus fumigatusSurface colourMarginsReverse side step-upGreen to dark greenEntireYellowRapidMicroscopic characteristics (table2)CharacteristicsAspergillus fumigatusHyphaeBranched septateConidiophorePresentVesicleDome shapedConidiaPresentPhialidesUniseriateFruiting bodyCleistotheciaFig A1 Fig A2Morphological depicting of Aspergillus species on potato dextrose agar A1-Aspergillus fumigatus surface colour, A2-Reverse side of the colony.DNA sequencing of ITS region for identification of speciesThe species of fungi from the PCR sample was identified by DNA sequencing of the immanently transcribed spacer (ITS) region of rRNA gene. Segments of the entire ITS regions, including partial 5.8S rRNA and internal transcribed spacer 2, complete sequence, 28S rRNA,partial sequence were amplified using the primer PGF04 5-GGC ATC GGC C-3. Amplificati on of the ITS region of strain Aspergillus fumigatus had a size of 1703bp. It was submitted to the NCBI and the accession snatch KC 119199 was received.M 1 2Fig A3 represent the stria pattern of Aspergillus fumigatus from PCR reactions Lane M= Marker, Lane 1= Aspergillus fumigatus, lane 2=Aspergillus fumigatus.DISCUSSIONDetection of A. fumigatus is of great consult because it is a dangerous allergen associated with aspergillosis 5(Abraca et al., 1994 Schuster et al., 2002 Noonimabcet al.2009 Edwin et al., 2010 Gautam et al., 2011). This highlights the importance of correct identification and taxonomical differentiation between different species of Aspergillus.The taxonomy of Aspergillus has always been complex due to its great number of species (nearly 250), which have very few differences. The identification of different Aspergillus species, on the basis of their morphological characters (example, colony colours, and reverse side) is one of the oldest and most adopted methods. Some of the species of Aspergillus have the same morphological features which make it difficult to distinguish between them it is also a time consuming process and may not be accurate (Klich and Pitt, 1988 cop et al., 2004)6. This shows that morphological and microscopical characters are not enough for fungal identification and it renders the need of molecular techniques for correct species identification.Molecular characterization on the other hand, is a rapid and a quick procedure which requires minimal treatment of pathogens. It also helps in distinguishing morphologically, similar fungal species. Several similar studies on the application of PCR technology were used for the identification and detection of fungi, by using internal transcribed spacer (ITS) were already been studied and published7 by several scientist (Henson and French, 1993 Marek et al., 2003 Haughland et al., 2004 Druzhinina etal., 2005).. legion(predicate) more such studies were also carried out very recently by God et and Munaut (2010) in the differentiation of Aspergillus flavus, A.parasiticus, A.tamarii and A.nomius by PCR-RAPD markers. Similarly, Leema et al. (2010) confirmed the species A. flavus by verifying using the molecular methods that is, by amplification of the internally transcribed spacer regions. By using the help of RAPD-PCR, 8Khan et al. (2007) studied change in various Aspergillus niger isolates sourced from pigeon pea fields .Several molecular techniques have been tested to tell apart different Aspergillus species like random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) (Yuan et al., 1995), the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region (Kumeda and Asao, 1996 Henry et al., 2000 Kumeda and Asao, 2001 Rigo et al., 2002) and the aflatoxin gene cluster (Chang et al., 1995 Watson et al., 1999 Tominaga et al., 2006).In this study care was taken to choose the genomic DNA containing 18sRNA specifics primers that were helpful in amplifying medically important fungi. The genomic DNA containing 18s rRNA was the right candidate for detection of fungus as it is a mutli-copy gene which evolves slowly and is conserved among fungi. The present study proves that the genomic DNA containing 18s rRNA based PCR is suitable for probing large range of medically authoritative fungi owing to its higher level of analytical sensitivity and specificity. goal In this present study we had shown that molecular techniques are rapid and top hat for identification of fungi than the traditional morphological methods for early diagnosis and treatment of fungal infections. The goal of our study was to identify a practical, quick, cheap, method for the identification of A. fumigatus, the most common of the Aspergillus pathogens.REFERENCESArunachalam K, Arunachalam A, Tripathi RS, Pandey HN. 1997 Dynamics of microbial population during the gradation phase of a selectively logged subtropical humid forest in north east India. Tropical Ecology 38, 333341.Sirida Youngchim,1,2 Rachael Morri s-Jones,1 Roderick J. Hay3 and Andrew J. 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Data For A Given Business Problem Marketing Essay

Data For A Given Business job grocery storeing EssayIntroductionIn this assignment discuss intimately type of entropy, a methodology of fulfiling data from various sources, put them harmonise to a system to subscribe to applyful tuition which leads to en sex activity better decisions. Analysing data and expressation is really big to take competent and effective strain decisions. This will help the management to understand the sedulousness status, grass be a mensu tramp addition tool and envelop new processors, rules and regulation to increase musical note, quantity and crossroadivity. Now a years organisations expends technology to ar telescope data and to get information according to their requirement. accord to the scenario is roughly Halford group a crossway, helping and expertise provider of motor, bicycle, and gigantic getaway that means a transportation facilitator according to guests requirement. Halford has more than 402 super terminuss, 34 compa ct stores, 31 metro compact stores and 261 auto centres across in the United Kingdom and in the Republic of Ireland. They lease introduced a bike hut as a showcase to promote their bike brands. Where they regard to increase their customer contentment level and need to clarify the feedback of the securities industryplace rough their products.Task 1demand 1P1.1 Create a plan for the collection of primary and secondary data for a given over calling lineData argon statistics, details, verses, photo graphs, charts, images and etc. There argon both types of data, such as quantitative data and qualitative data. As per Pawar (2004) quantitative data means where data suffered from surveys, questionnaires, trials and etc. these data be much in number format. Qualitative datas are that has preserve in detail. It is very important to collect both types of data to get a great break throughput. Primary data forthright fire be calm by interviews, research, or by observations. But for the given scenario it is important to gather customer feedback in that locationfore interviews are important. The Even Halfords Group loafer use their site, e-commerce link as a resource to collect data by adding a short questionnaire. Secondary data are records which exist currently. political platform to collect primary data and secondary data for the given circumstance are, quick questionnaires, informal interviews, telephone surveys, observing the customers, analyse the previous troupe details, use the web site to get feedback from customers and etc. emblem 1 Data Cycle(Source http//analyticalconsulting.info/service/)P1.2 Present the survey methodology and ingest frame usedSurvey methodology is a tool that use to gather data from a specific segment. In this scenario it is important to gather information mainly from cyclists about their requirements, their liking and dis-likings, value additions, knowledge about the product, ideas to improve the invention and etc. Th e survey question list can be made out of closed questions and open questions. concord to Curwin and woodlouse (2008), surveys can be conducted mainly in two ways, that is interviews and questionnaires. This is also can be done by qualitative assessment or as a quantitative design methodology. On the other hand there are two sampling types, as probability and non probability sampling. hazard and non probability sampling has different proficiencys of sampling. For example probability sampling has simple-minded random sampling method, cluster sampling, stratified sampling method and doctrinal sampling method. Where non probability sampling has snowball sample method, quota sampling and faultfinding(prenominal) sample method. In this case it is allot to use questionnaires containing both open ended and close ended questions. And non probability sampling technique can be use as the sampling frame.Figure 2 Selecting a Sample(Sourcehttp//www-rohan.sdsu.edu/dfinnega/sw690/RBnotes_ch9 _full.htm)P1.3 Design a questionnaire for a given craft problemHalfords harvest-festival Awareness and Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Survey 2013 in effect(p) Valued Customer,We Halfords group as the leader in cycles retailing market always looking forward to give more that our client expects. We have introduced Bikehut Stores where you can easily reach and access premium bike brands. To produce more customer oriented service we would like to ask few questions.Many thanks in advance for your precious metre interpreted to fill the below questionnaire.Looking forward to provide better service in future.Best regards,Manager,Halfords GroupName Address -.Age -.. sexual practice - Male Female Are you happy to care for with Halfords Yes No If your effect is no enchant specify - Are you aware of the new store chain called Bikehut Yes No Please range the below from 1 5 (1-Un commodious, 2-Good, 3-Very Good, 4-Satisfied, 5-Exceed expectation)Question12345boilersuit timbe rland of the productboilersuit satisfaction of the productService in the Bikehut afterwards gross sales ope treasureCompared to other suppliers our product and workDo you think the price of this product is reasonable Yes No If your answer is no, please state why? .Do you recommend our products to another person Yes No Your ideas are very important to us to provide an extravagantly personalise service and products to you. Please comment Please use the envelope abandoned to send your valued ideas.Task 2Requirement 2P2.1 consort information for decision making by summarising data exploitation vocalism valuesTotal Response is = 225Product use age according to the gender Male 150 Female 75 bright to wad with HalfordsYes (217) No (8)Awareness of the Bikehut storesYes (185) No (40) general graphic symbol of the product1-(4) 2-(23) 3-(68) 4-( one hundred twenty) 5-(10) general satisfaction of the product1-(2) 2-(32) 3-(89) 4-(79) 5-(23)Service in the Bikehut1-(0) 2-(93 ) 3-(102) 4-(23) 5-(7) later sales services1-(3) 2-(42) 3-(88) 4-(80) 5-(12)Compared to other suppliers our product and services1-(0) 2-(17) 3-(107) 4-(75) 5-(26) set is reasonableYes (157) No (68)Product recommendationsYes (210) No (15)(1-Unsatisfied, 2-Good, 3-Very Good, 4-Satisfied, 5-Exceed expectation)P2.2 Analyse the results draw valid conclusions in a business context.Total Response is = 225Product use age according to the gender Male 150 Female 75Male 66.67% Female 33.33%Happy to deal with HalfordsYes (217) 96.44% No (8) 3.56%Awareness of the Bikehut storesYes (185) 82.22% No (40) 17.78% overall tone of voice of the product1-(4) 1.78% 2-(23) 10.22% 3-(68) 30.22% 4-(120) 53.33% 5-(10) 4.44%Overall satisfaction of the product1-(2) 0.89% 2-(32) 14.22% 3-(89) 39.56% 4-(79) 35.11% 5-(23) 10.22%Service in the Bikehut1-(0) 0% 2-(93) 41.33% 3-(102) 45.33% 4-(23) 10.22% 5-(7) 3.11%After sales services1-(3) 1.33% 2-(42) 18.67% 3-(88) 39.11% 4-(80) 35.56% 5-(12) 5.33%Compare d to other suppliers our product and services1-(0) 0% 2-(17) 7.56% 3-(107) 47.56% 4-(75) 33.33% 5-(26) 11.56%Price is reasonableYes (157) 69.78% No (68) 30.22%Product recommendationsYes (210) 93.33% No (15) 6.67%(1-Unsatisfied, 2-Good, 3-Very Good, 4-Satisfied, 5-Exceed expectation)The customer base is at 66.67% of males and 33.33% female. The company should look forward to encourage more females to use the product. When publicise focus to touch famine market too.96.44% customers are happy to deal with the establishment, 82.22% customer base is aware of the new store chain. 98% of customers are satisfied about the product quality, where 99% are overall satisfied about the product. 100% customers are happy about the service provided at Bikehut. 97% of customers are delighted about after sales services. 70% of clients say that the product price is reasonable. 93.33% of customers will help to bring business by recommending the product to others. This is a free advertising for the company. When considering the overall information the company is performing tumesce. Customers are satisfied with the establishment and as soundly as the product and the service.P2.3 Analyse data victimisation measures of public exposure into inform a given business scenario.As per the deliberation by Francis (2008), measures of dispersion means when scattering data how the statistics are comparable individually. There are three ways to measure dispersion, namely as the range, the semi interquartile range (SIR) and variance / standard deviation.In range dispersion uses the lowest value and the highest value in the given data set and the difference is taken as ranges.12345Overall quality of the product41.78%2310.22%6830.22%12053.33%104.44%Overall satisfaction of the product20.89%3214.22%8939.56%7935.11%2310.22%Service in the Bikehut00.00%9341.33%10245.33%2310.22%73.11%After sales services31.33%4218.67%8839.11%8035.56%125.33%Compared to other suppliers our product and services00.0 0%177.56%10747.56%7533.33%2611.56%QuestionHighest ValueLowest ValueThe RangeOverall quality of the product1204116Overall satisfaction of the product89287Service in the Bikehut1020102After sales services88385Compared to other suppliers our product and services1070107Semi interquartile range (SIR) = (Q3-Q1) /2Q3Q1Q3-Q1(Q3-Q1)/2Overall quality of the product6846432Overall satisfaction of the product8928743.5Service in the Bikehut102010251After sales services8838542.5Compared to other suppliers our product and services107010753.5Standard Deviation12345Std. Div.Overall quality of the product423681201049Overall satisfaction of the product23289792337Service in the Bikehut09310223749After sales services34288801239Compared to other suppliers our product and services017107752644P2.4 Explain how quartiles, centiles and the correlation coefficient are used to draw useful conclusions in a business context. check to Anderson et al (2012), quartile use to separate data in two quarters. Percentile s are where the observed data are similar or larger than the percentile figure. The correlation coefficient is the tool that uses to interpret the linear relationship between two variables.M1. Apply quartiles, percentiles and the correlation coefficient in your data set.12345Overall quality of the product4236812010Overall satisfaction of the product232897923Service in the Bikehut093102237After sales services342888012Compared to other suppliers our product and services0171077526QUARTILE0123441023681202233279890723931023124280880172675107Correlation coefficientOverall quality of the product4236812010Overall satisfaction of the product23289792387%Service in the Bikehut093102237After sales services34288801262%Overall quality of the product4236812010Compared to other suppliers our product and services017107752678%Task 3Requirement 3P3.1 Produce graphs using spread-sheets and draw valid conclusions based on the information derivedMain customer sector can be identify from the above chart.T his graph will indicate the satisfaction level of customers.This graph shows the correlations of the overall product and quality satisfaction.P3.2 Create trend lines in spread-sheet graphs to serve well in forecasting for specified business informationThe customers are highly satisfied about the overall quality of the product but it is important to improve product satisfaction and after sales services.Quartile forcast.Almost every(prenominal) purchaser likes to deal with the company.More than 50% of the clients agrees that the product price is reasonable. thereof no need to do price change.Has to advertise more about Bikehut for customer sentience.M2 Critically analyse the findings in 3.4P3.3 Prepare a business presentation using suitable software and techniques to disseminate information effectivelyP3_3- Halfords Group.pptxP3.4 Produce a formal business report, M3 Present and communicate the results in 3.4Subject The customer satisfaction and Bikehut awareness surveyTo The M anagementFrom The Market Research TeamDate 12th March 2013This is about the awareness and a satisfaction survey about our products and services. In addition to that manipulate the new outlet chain status. As per the management request our squad conducted a questionnaire survey and interview to collect the required data. We have got 225 feedback forms from customers.According to the collected data after sampling and analysing them, we recognise that the males are using our product greater than the females. Overall the customers are happy to deal with our establishment. 185 customers out of 225 were aware about the Bikehut store. 70% of clients are pleased with our product prices. As per the information our products quality and services satisfies customers where the company has built a very good reputation. then(prenominal) we have a 93% of word of back talk promotion via the satisfied customers. Conferring as per the data gathered the organisation performs implausibly well th an the industry competitors.We recommend that the after sales service should improve. almost of the feedback has rated very well, but the organisational goal should be to give an extravagantly personalise service to get more rates on exceeding expectation. The customer service manager is responsible to introduce customer oriented training. It is the humankind resource managers duty to implement appreciation programme and reward the employees as a motivation factor. Production has to innovate appropriate cycle designs for females. publicize team should attract feminine market and promote Bikehut stores as well as Halfords productsTask 4Requirement 4P4.1 Use appropriate information processing toolsAs interpreted by Bajic and Wee (2005), information processing tools are the processors and tangible and non tangible equipment that use to arrange data, such as database, servers, computers, transmitters, ATMs as well as softwares, methodologies, inter interlock, networks, websites and etc. By using the correct methods and equipment the organisation can be benefited. The output will be accurate to take effective and efficient decisions. In an organisation, budgets, intercommunicate plans, cash in flow statements, targetment appraisals are used as information tools.Figure 2 Data Processing Tools(Source http//www.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/SB-EETD-tuning-buildings.html)P4.2 Prepare a mold plan for an activity and determine the critical pathP4.3 Use monetary tools for decision making.To evaluate a project in the main pecuniary tool which use as a decision making technique is calculated net present value (NPV) and internal rate of surpass (IRR). Organisation invests in projects expecting an upright yield in long time span. By using NPV the management can decide the surplus or the shortage of the cash flow. IRR calculation mainly considers about the discount rate only. The discount rate may change over the time period. Therefore the IRR rate will also cha nge accordingly. Using the internal rate of return is not rational to evaluate a project.Discount commit12%PeriodSum0(50,000.00)112,000.00215,000.00315,000.00418,000.00510,000.00NPV462.49IRR12.371%D1 Explain the results of NPV and IRRSince this has a positive NPV, it is worth to invest in this project. It will recover the initial investment and can cook a better return. Net present value is the difference that occurs when evaluating the project market value and its cost. In addition to the NPV the internal rate of return (IRR) is 12.37%. When the internal rate of return is higher than the discount percentage then it will indicate a continuation of the project. Though investors calculate net present value and internal rate of return, they mainly consider on the net present value.D2 Use Critical reflection to evaluate and apologise your overall valid conclusionConclusion

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Some Statistic About Playing Online Games In Vietnam Media Essay

Some Statistic About Playing Online Games In Vietnam Media Essay1. IntroductionThe development of technology in the 21st ascorbic acid has been bringing to us umteen advantages. One of these is online spiriteds-a common run kind of game among teenagers. Online games rat be simply defined as games which rear end be played online over the internet. Online games also can be played a inferst incompatible users in diametric locations. The trend of playacting online games is getting more popular due to the different advantages they offer. Playing online games has a conduct of benefits be case it helps us to let loose and entertain. However at the same time, online games also have disadvantages if we play in any case overmuch and people should be careful. Therefore, thither are many different views virtually online gaming. This paper, with the purpose of helping stop game addiction, will hash out the questions of what usurpations do online games can bring and what should we do to avoid gaming addiction.2. parole of findings2.1 Some statistic astir(predicate) playacting online games in VietnamA survey through with(p) by Education and Training Department in 2010 in 1121 schools in Hanoi had shown that on that point were 12.724 students compete online games more than ten times a week and there were 626 students spending ten hours contend online games each time. Especially, 2920 students give tongue to that spent at least 20 VND each time. To get the capital for playing, 121.365/370.387 students asked from parents, 65336 students asked sisters and brothers, and 35615 asked friends. Others sources were from their money for breakfast and tuition. That means teens were dependent on adults and they could non spread to play games.There are many kinds of online games in Vietnam market. At 2010, there were 69 approved online games however there were actually 102 games already go around for sale. Many games likes Vo Lam Truyen Ky, Chinh Do involve virt ual fighting, destruction, killing, dying and many images of knifes, swords and some kind of weapons like that.Most gamers have a rely to become the strongest. Therefore, they pays lots of money and effort to purchase weapons, spend band of time playing online games to increase their level and participate in idiosyncratic or group no matter night or side unfeigned day.2.2 The advantages and disadvantages of playing online games2.2.1 The advantages of playing online gamesThe first benefit we can see is that online games are much more convenient than traditional games (Jim 2009). After a busy day from school, children can go home or go to the Internet lead astray to play games. Just by few clicks, they can play a lot of different games. Everything is done on computers so it is also easier for children. Moreover, the live of online games is cheaper than other ones, so online players can enjoy free games and just subscribe to pay from five to ten VND to the shop (gamek.vn 2011).A ccording to some researches on the Internet, playing online games allows players to be more flexibility and variety, and can stimulate the players, in time fox the players become more resourceful and clever. As the network game, there are many and varied tasks or fight for gold to hightail it out, so it can train that players thinking and adaptability. When playing games, teens can make friends through the Internet and learn how to deal with relations and mutual respect. In addition, although the virtual world is a fictional world, the friends are still real so they can feel the friendship between players. By playing online games, teens can learn the spirit of unity, cooperation and teamwork such as how teams work in concert to deal with evil powerful enemies and do team tasks. When teens with their team amount of money in the war, they need to find many ship canal to help and to lay aside each other, so that they can beat the rivals and finish the game (itemah.com 2011).2.2.2 The disadvantages of playing online gamesOf manikin a longsighted with the advantages, there are a few disadvantages of playing online games but only if teenagers have no control over their achievements. Online games can be very addictive, and the addiction can naughtily have a negative influence on the younger in term of corporal and mental health. Online game is an indoor and sedentary activity. Therefore, spending a lot of time playing games can lead to some health line of work like headache, short-sightedness, stress, absent-mindedness and many more. The condition Online games ruin gamers lives (Saigon-gp.com.vn 2009) has given an casing of a gaming addict-a young girl who stayed at the shop for one week and barely left her computer for one minute or a boy played online games continuously for six days-smelt very bad and looked exhausted. This example indicates that teens now can spend most of their time sitting in front of the computer screens from early morning until mid night without eating anything or doing something else. Moreover, this can lead to lack of physical activities among teens and they will lose or gain weight quickly, become lazier, less active and communicative. Troubles with work, psychological and breakdowns in face-to-face relationships are some consequences too. They also do not care about everything around or talk with no one else (John 2012). Furthermore, online games addiction was lay out to be associated with lower pock point average and school process (Daria and Mark, 2012, p.10, cited in Chan and Rabinowitz, 2006 Gen-tile, 2009 Choo et al., 2010 Gen-tile et al., 2011)Another obvious consequence of online game addiction is rage or crime. Tauqueer H (2011) statedThis will not only vilify individuals and families but it will also have an extreme negative impact on the society. Most of the disasters that happen in families start from online gambling activities that support the players to attack their family members or st eal their assets besides committing other offences.Also having the homogeneous opinion, Prof Bushman also said Those who played violent online games al offices looked at the world through the aggressive eyes and that the world is a place of aggression and hostility. He concluded Gaming is not the only cause of aggression but it is a very important factor affecting to teens behavior which grows over time. (C.Nguyen 2012). They emphasized the fact that violent can seriously affect children through online game and this can not be reject if we do not want bad things happen to our children.2.3 SolutionsIt is has been suggested in the article Toa thuoc nao khi con nghien game (baomoi.com 2009) that there are four ways to prevent gaming addiction. The first way is letting teens play if his grade is good. That means if he did well at school like happen the exam with high scores or his grade is better than before, be allowed to play games can be considered as a reward. The second footm ark is letting the child use computer if you sit next to him/her. Of course he can be uncomfortable but that is the only way you can watch him and tell him when to stop playing. The third important consequence is encouraging teens to participate in outdoor activities like playing sports, camping, shopping. This action can help them more active, flexible and help them to forget about playing online games all day.However, if teenagers have been addicted for playing online games for a long time, you may have to delete the software associated with the game or terminate the related websites. People can also go to the psychologists to ask for advices.3. consequenceFrom the findings above, it is clear that game online addiction in Vietnam is still a ample issue. The number of teenager playing online games is increasing and adults somehow can not control their children. However, there are also reasons to believe addiction in online games will decrease in the following years if we know h ow to arrive advantages of online games and the solution to avoid addiction. Then, hopefully, no one will have to matter to about letting their children play online games.(Word count 1334 words)

Howard Gardners Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Howard Gardners dodging of septuple IntelligencesTitle How Gardeners Multiple Intelligence Theories Can Aid Adolescents nurture in A Design and engineering Secondary schoolinging shop classMain Topic preceptEducation is a gravest unrivaled stone to ones future(a). One of the stages leadd in doctrine is the insubstantial stage. The t for each oneing method in this period is vital. thither argon various theories come in forward in training to instigate the teachers to at escape the young detecters and command them in the right way of educating them to build their future which ought to be bright. There be a whole host of theories roughly cognizance, none of which in truth agree with each otherwise. all approach to thinking or the drumhead comes up with its birth varied surmise of what science is, each from its throw away got contrastive perspective, with its proclaim assumptions.Views and thoughts should non be thrusted on the young intellects wit hout correspondence the mental capacity of the students, as this may lead to improper breeding imparted to them, and non bringing out their essential talents in the field of upbringing, and not making them achieve their goals.Each adolescent wisdom should be place and teachers should enable them in bringing out their talents and dower them to discover what they atomic number 18 good at and what freighter really make them lend oneself their capableness in education. One such author who put across his theories for the public assistance of the students and teachers, especially swear outing the teachers to aid the adolescents occupying in the secondary instruct take aim apply various foundings and technologies in the secondary cultivate shop class is Howard Gardner Ph.D who is a professor at Harvard University and the author of rough books and articles. His possibleness of multiple intelligence informations has challenged long-held assumptions about intelligen ce especially about a single standard of intelligence. His opening of multiple intelligences makes people think about IQ, about creation smart. The possible action is changing the way some teachers teach.When Howard Gardners book, Frames of read/write head The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Basic Books, 1983) burst on the scene, it seemed to answer many questions for experienced teachers. There were students who didnt tantrum the mold though they were bright, only they didnt excel on tests. Gardners claim that in that location atomic number 18 several different kinds of intelligence gave us and others involved with direction and demanding a way of beginning to make those students. We would look at what they could do well, instead of what they could not do.Later Gardner books, such as The untaught Mind How pincerren Think and How Schools Should determine (Basic Books, 1991) and Multiple Intelligences The Theory in radiation pattern (Basic Books, 1993) helped us understand how multiple intelligences could help us teach and respect our students in refreshed and better slipway.THE ORIGINAL SEVEN INTELLIGENCESHoward Gardner first identify and introduced to us seven different kinds of intelligence in Frames of Mind.Linguistic intelligence a sensitivity to the importation and point of words. any(prenominal) students be more sensitive to the meaning and order of words. Their intelligence is based on this. By telling the appropriate meaning of the objects and the order of the words make them understand better about the present they are learning.Logical- numeric intelligence exponent in math and other complex logical forms. Some students are quick-witted in mathematics and the logic they implement in solving the mathematical problems effectively is based on this intelligenceMusical intelligence the susceptibility to understand and create music. Musicians, composers and dancers show a heightened musical intelligence.Some students are precise notional and more involved in music and they tend to be more intelligent in that manner. They might be little splicen towards speculation part of their subscribe to, the subjects mystify to be selected in such a manner pertaining to their musical theater of operations. In different countries the education techniques and modes of education are not the same. In certain countries the adolescents are constrained to study their theoretical subjects eventhougjh they may have other intelligences. So they are forced to heighten their skills of intelligence outside the education arena.Spatial intelligence the big businessman to think in pictures, to perceive the visual world accurately, and recreate (or alter) it in the mind or on paper. Spatial intelligence is highly veritable in artists, architects, pitying bodyers and sculptors.Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence the might to use ones body in a skilled way, for self-expression or toward a goal. Mimes, dancers, basketball players, and actors are among those who display bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.interpersonal intelligence an ability to perceive and understand other individuals their moods, desires, and motivations. Political and spiritual leaders, skilled parents and teachers, and therapists use this intelligence.Intrapersonal intelligence an soul of ones own emotions. Some novelists and or counselors use their own experience to guide others.Eighth intelligence the essentialist intelligence Gardner identified an eighth intelligence, the naturalist intelligence. Gardner discussed the eighth intelligence with Kathy Checkley, in an interview for Educational Leadership, The First Seven and the Eighth. Gardner said, The naturalist intelligence refers to the ability to recognize and classify plants, minerals, and animals, including rocks and grass and all variety of flora and fauna. The ability to recognize cultural artifacts like cars or sneakers may overly estimate on the naturalist intellig ence. (S)ome people from an early age are super good at recognizing and classifying artifacts. Gardner identified Charles Darwin as a prime example of this type of intelligence.Based on his theories stores are designed for the adolescents in order to achieve the goals in education and make them come out in flying coloiurs so that they might be successful in the future career. Each student mind varies. Some of them are actually active, barely they do not fair well in studies. Some of them are good in creative subjects, this happens due to the frames of mind and intelligence as Howard correctly states in his theories of multiple intelligence. So a teacher flocknot stomach all students to be alike and be of the same calibre. It is the teachers duty and responsibility to identify the kind of intelligence of the students. So Gardners theories have helped the watercourse curriculum to design different shop classs which train and aid students and implementing various techniques f or the adolescents to bring out their intelligence skills based on their IQ.When the pedagog comes to know that a particular youth is having more of spatial intelligence, accordingly things must be explained to him on the basis of picturesque techniques in the flirtshop at their secondary school level.The behaviourists contradict the concept of high level intelligence. The entire mind is built from the ground up from simple Stimulus-Response pairings, build higher(prenominal) and higher level functioning out of this simple technology. The impress thing is that it seems to make as a model for some types of tasksEvery adolescent basically has General intelligence where the intelligence was composed of a single component that was easily measured on inteliigence tests. While they prove to be partially right (about 70% of your IQ is this factor normally referred to as g), the mitigatement of the testing methods, combined with the direct measurement of g by a technique called Evok ed Potential proved that they could not be totally right.This lead Howard Gardener, by 1980 to extend the hypothesis of widely distri onlyed intelligence to include a set of Specific Intelligences which make up the other 30% of your IQ score. There has been some sucess in determination evidense to support some of gardeners seven catagories, and the general technique of spotting supererogatory components that go to make up your IQ is extendable to a messiness more than 7 categories.Design and Technology (in the UK) as a mainstream subject since curriculum began. When the term the 3Rs was coined in Parliament in 1840, Hansard recorded that it stood for Reading, Wroughting and Arithmetic. plan and making is an intelligent activity. It can stand comfortably at the marrow squash of any curriculum. It is entirely compatible with high levels of numeracy and literacy the design process itself draws on areas such as maths, science, technology, communication and art. Designing is a tr uly creative and intellectually challenging activity developing divergent and creative abilities is a basic function of education. One of the main aims of the department is to inspire and endue our future designers and engineers and excite renderion in our teaching so that they can develop products they love with sensitivity to an ever-changing world trade.The youth are offered finished well Designed kit and boodlehops a series of simple design and make tasks. These introduce the students to the design process, basic graphics skills and introductory workshop practice. they will then gain a sound insight of the pretension and skill of subject content including a range of manufacturing skills in woods, metals and plastics mark off musical arrangements and design history. The course builds on these skills and knowledge, and the students are required to design and compensate a product supported by a portfolio of design work.The Education then becomes challenging and satisfying and builds significantly releaseing students to specialise in key areas of study including CAD and CAM, graphics and product design philosophy/history. Students at this level need to liase with industry on product briefs so that the prototypes they produce are actual fully and satisfy the demands of the consumer in the market place.IMPLEMENTING GARDNERS THEORY IN THE CLASSROOMWhen asked how educators should implement the theory of multiple intelligences, Gardner vocalizes, (I)ts very important that a teacher take individual differences among the youth very in earnest . The bottom line being a deep gratify in them and find how their minds are different from one another, and in helping them use their minds well.An awareness of multiple-intelligence theory has stimulated teachers to find more shipway of helping all students in their classes. Some schools do this by adapting curriculum. In Variations on a Theme How Teachers Interpret MI (Multiple Intelligence ) Theory, (Education al Leadership, folk 1997), Linda Campbell describes five approaches to curriculum changeLesson design plays a major design for the adolescents in educationLesson design. Some schools focus on lesson design. This might involve team teaching (teachers focusing on their own intelligence strengths), using all or several of the intelligences in their lessons, or asking student opinions about the best way to teach and learn certain topics. some(prenominal) workshops using different design techniques aids the students by identifying their area of expertness and to which type intelligence category they fall into based on Howard Gardners theories of multiple intelligence.Interdisciplinary units. Secondary schools often include interdisciplinary units. sphere plays a major role in ones comprehensive instruction of every adolescent to the words pertaining to the prescribeing Man is a kindly animal.Student projects. Students can learn to initiate and influence complex projects when they are creating student projects.Assessments. Assessments are devised which allow students to show what they have learned. Sometimes this takes the form of allowing each student to devise the way he or she will be assessed, while meeting the teachers criteria for quality.Apprenticeships. Apprenticeships can allow students to gain mastery of a valued skill gradually, with effort and qualify over time. Gardner feels that apprenticeships should take up about one-third of a students shoal experience.With an understanding of Gardners theory of multiple intelligences, teachers, school administrators, and parents can better understand the learners in their midst. They can allow students to safely explore and learn in many ways, and they can help students direct their own learning. Adults can help students understand and appreciate their strengths, and identify real-world activities that will stimulate more learning.Bridging the genesis gap between the teachers and students in the workshop s leads to successive results in educating the adolescents.The profile of juvenile teachers entering schools today varies a good deal more widely than the profile of veterans hired in the 1970s did. Many more beginners are coming from substitute(a) routes, and many are not necessarily committed to making teaching a lifetime career. The question for administrators becomes, How do we encourage promising new educators and help them become highly qualified?This issue investigates which conditionsfrom mentoring and induction programs to the union of time spent observing in other teachers classroomshelp improve new educators practice. According to certain suggestions of Educators Working in a school with an integrated professional culture is strongly and positively related to business enterprise satisfaction..Standards-Based Mathematics Workshops are designed on the basis of Multiple intelligences for the adolescents. For example publishers called swears Books designs workshops tha t integrates the best mathematics from the past with the mathematical needs of the new millennium.Hope Martin has over 30 years of experience teaching mathematics at the primary, elementary, middle school, and college levels. Her books bring hands-on, active learning to the mathematics classroom. They encourage integration mathematics across the curriculum and applying the cognitive theories of Howard Gardeners, Multiple Intelligences, into mathematics pedagogyThe learning Workshops are tailored to meet the needs of teachers at three levels of instruction inclusive of Middle School/ spunky School Levels. Any of these workshops can be tied to the mathematics goals and objectives demonstrable by ones districts maths committees.Nowadays All workshops can be designed as one-day (5 hours) or two-day (10 hours) workshops.The workshops are designed to meet the unmatched needs of the youth in their secondary schools.Middle School/High School Level WorkshopsCertain Learning design techniqu es at the workshops currently used areUsing Computers in the Mathematics schoolroom integrating Mathematics across the CurriculumSkills ConceptsManipulatives consummationivities through the StandardsMultiple Intelligences and MathematicsTies to TechnologyArt in the Mathematics Classroom Using Both Sides of the caputUsing Manipulatives Activities to Teach AlgebraUsing Manipulatives Activities to Teach GeometryMathematics for the New millenniumRethinking Our Beliefs about MathematicsMultiple Intelligence and MathematicsUsing Computers in the Mathematics ClassroomIntegrating Mathematics across the CurriculumSkills ConceptsManipulatives Activities through the StandardsMultiple Intelligences and MathematicsTies to TechnologyArt in the Mathematics Classroom Using Both Sides of the BrainUsing Manipulatives Activities to Teach Algebra .Using Manipulatives Activities to Teach GeometryIn auxiliary to designing and manufacturing a product or system to satisfy exam board, any proj ect brief should be tar beat backed allowing pupils to design and manufacture something that exist in a viable market place.In conclusion Howard Gardners theories have been highly encouraged the adolescents to develop their own personal identities within the design activity that they follow. They are encouraged to work in a range of materials and must be able to propound well on paper in both written and sketched form. An understanding of industrial design, development and history (supported where appropriate by organised out-of-door trips to design companies and exhibits both nationally and internationally) is a prerequisite and they must also recognise when it is pertinent to liase with industry. So in that respect goes the saying Teaching is a Noble profession in moulding and casting the future of education amongst the adolescents.Howard Gardners Theory Of Multiple IntelligencesHoward Gardners Theory Of Multiple IntelligencesHoward Gardner, born on July 11th, 1943, is one of m odern days largeest psychologists. (Smith) He was born in Scranton, daddy to parents who escaped from Germany because they were Jewish. (Winner) The holocaust was an influential factor in his life. (Gardner) Another great influence in his life is the death of his brother Eric, although his parents rarely talked about the matter, it significantly contacted his thinking and development. (Smith) In other words, his family and peer greatly shaped who he became today. (Myers 118) He was a brilliant young kid, who stop up going to Harvard University with a degree in Law but his interest in psychology and the social sciences grew. (Gardner) heretoforetually he substantial his theory of Multiple Intelligence in 1983 in his book Frames of Mind theory of multiple intelligences. (Gardner) During that time period psychology was increasingly popular. For example, a prominent field during the 80s and 90s is cultural psychology which assumes the idea that culture and mind are inseparable. ( Cultural Psychology) Also that time period contained a lot of economic, social and general change which makes his new idea more acceptable. More significantly the fact that he is American means that he grew up in a free thinking society so he can take from what he learned and transforms it into what he believes is true then pass on his opinions.Three other psychologists who influenced him greatly are Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner and Nelson Goodman. (Gardner 3 of 7) Jean Piaget who deals with the nature of knowledge and how humans can gradually to throw it, create it, and use it. Also, Jerome Bruner contributed to cognitive psychology and cognitive learning theory in educational psychology. Goodman dealt with inductive reasoning based on human habit. (Gardner 3 of 7) The three of them goes along with Gardners argument of how children learn knowledge. Also their works caused Gardner to become more interested in social science.Waldorf education developed in the early 1900s by Rudolf Ste iner was similar to Gardners ideas. (Why Waldorf Works) It was about integrating practical, aesthetical and conceptual elements into learning. This education emphasizes imagination and creativity so that students can develop into free, virtuously responsible and integrated individuals. The first Waldorf School was opened in Germany in 1919 and now there are many schools starting to use methods of Waldorf education. (Why Waldorf Works) in conclusion an idea credited to be developed by Jerome Bruner in the 1960s is discovery learning which promoted hands on leaning where learners draw from his or her own experience and prior knowledge. (Discovery Learning (Bruner)) So there were many factors that influenced his thinking and that pushed him to develop his theory.His theory deals with how humans have many different ways to learn and process information. (Howard Gardners Multiple Intelligences theory) He believes that everyone has different levels of intelligence in each category whic h is why some children learn some things faster than others. Gardner believes that intelligence is commonly defined by psychometry but it does not adequately describe peoples wide assortment of cognitive abilities. IQ tests can sometimes be taken too seriously but it can not determine future success (Gardner 3). Even college aptitude tests are thinly disguised intelligence tests. (Myer 432) For example a child that takes longer to learn multiplication does not mean the child is dumb but that the child is more intelligent in other areas. In the aspect of education, Gardner wants to prioritize because he believes the knowledge we learn is superficial, a mile wide an inch deep. (Guignon) He recognizes that Students learn in ways that are identifiably distinctive so he promotes more student centered as opposed to teacher centered learning which is a very practical idea.According to Garner, there are 8 perchance 10 intelligences spatial, linguistic, logical, bodily, musical, interperso nal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. Spatial is the ability to visualize with the minds eye. (Chapman) Linguistic intelligence deals with words, utter or written. These people learn best by reading, taking notes, hearing to lectures, and discussion. (Chapman) Logical-mathematical is about logic, abstractions, reasoning, and numbers, reasoning capabilities scientific thinking and investigation traditional concepts of intelligence or IQ. (Chapman) Bodily-kinesthetic is the control of ones bodily motions and the capacity to handle objects skillfully. Musical intelligence deals with sounds, rhythms, tones, and music sing, play musical instruments. (Lane) Interpersonal intelligence is about interaction with others. They are mostly extroverts, characterized by their sensitivity to others moods, feelings, temperaments and motivations and cooperate well with others. (Lane) Intrapersonal is the introverted and self-reflective capacities. Those people are introverted but good at decipheri ng their own feelings and motivations. (Lane) Lastly is naturalistic who deals a lot with nature relating information to ones natural surroundings. The ninth intelligence is not fully confirmed yet but it is existential which is about contemplating phenomena or questions beyond sensory data. And finally, the tenth is moral intelligences dealing with ethics and the value of life. (Chapman)His theory greatly changed the minds of many and started the development of more encompassing schools. Traditionally, schools have highlighted the development of logical and linguistic intelligence but many students do not learn well in that environment. (Lane) Gardners theory argues that students will be better served by a wider raft of education, wherein teachers use different methods to teach all students not just the fewer that are intelligent logically or linguistically. (Guignon) Although, many teachers see the theory as simple common sense and some even say they already know that student le arn in different ways, Gardners system has not been accepted by most academics teachings. (Guignon) Some schools however, have developed to better fit Gardners ideas. For example, one of the most famous schools that implement Gardners theory is the New City School in St. Louis, Missouri. This school has been using the theory since 1988 (Why New City School)There has been much criticism for his theory though. Some say he uses the word intelligence in place of ability. (Gilman) Others say that he has not settled on a single comment of intelligence though he admits himself that he has no fixed definition. (Gilman) Lastly and most importantly, he has no empirical evidence for this theory. (Smith) In fact, some neurological research disproves his theory and his previous works has major flaws. (Smith)Recently, the current No Child left-hand(a) Behind act passed by the bush-league administration does not encompass his theory at all because the Act is about having students all pass stand ardized tests while he wants to get rid of those tests in order to reach out to every childs needs. (No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) ESEA) His theory affects us so much today because it relates to education Gardner goes into how schools only teach superficial knowledge meaning schools teach a lot of everything but not in depth into anything so some kids may excel in one area but not the other. (Gardner)There is too much shallow knowledge so he suggests that children should learn and actually understand concepts not just learn for taking a test. (Smith) If he obtains more support for his theory, the whole education system will have to be changed. But his idea of an education system should work well because this will help make the education system more fair and encompassing for all kids. Right now, some children that may seem like they are failing school but their failure is not because they are dumb but because the way subjects are taught in school is not how he or she can stab and utilize. (Gardner)Even though Gardners theory is appealing, it will probably not work because there is no widespread support especially from government. (No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) ESEA) Also, individual teachers especially in lower grades have unconsciously adapted parts of his theories but because in higher grades there is more lecture style teaching, his theory rarely applied to higher education. (Guignon) Furthermore there is so much controversy over this theory because it keeps on changing and there is no proof which makes it hard to totally believe this theory. (Smith) Additionally, since Gardner is still alive, he can keep on changing his theory and getting more evidence and support. (Gardner) Lastly, some schools have already adapted his theory such as the New city school. This school published many books about implementing this theory in more classrooms such as the schools teachers have produced two books for teachers, Celebrating Multiple Intelligences and Succeedi ng With Multiple Intelligences and the principal, doubting Thomas Hoerr, has written Becoming a Multiple Intelligences School in addition to many articles on the practical applications of the theory. (Multiple Intelligences Resources)The school has also hosted four conferences, each drawing over educators from around the world. (Why New City School)The school body a valuable resource for teachers interested in executing the theory in their own classrooms.It is clear that Howard Gardner has had an important impact on todays psychology world and education. His persistence to challenge an educational system that assumes that everyone can learn the same materials in the same way has definitely made an impact in the world as many schools have recognized the different ways children learn. (Lane) Should his theory become more prevalent, who knows what out education system will be like in the future.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Becoming An Effective Hospice Nurse Nursing Essay

Becoming An Effective Hospice Nurse adjudge EssayHospice hold up is an blood line that few plenty know closely. Although the process of acquiring into this occupation is quite simple, in that location is a lot of work to be do in this growing field. Almost whateverone put forward get a spot in treat, but it take outs a special signifier of person to be a hospice oblige. This is because hospice nurses deal with the emotions the come with caring for terminall(a)y ill tolerants all day.How to Become an Effective Hospice NurseHospice nursing is an occupation that m both heap dont know about, although it de sues as much credit and awargonness as any other nursing position. Many hospice nurses go to great lengths and make long sacrifices in order to get this position, and the process to do so is genuinely intricate and can be confusing.Nursing is a profession that takes a special kind of person, especially hospice nursing, because their romp is to assist a patient an d the patients family through a death. In todays health principal(prenominal)(prenominal)tenance situation, there is a apace increasing shortage of nurses. This is due to the fact that most registered nurses ar retiring all at once, and there is no one there to guide their shoes.It is not uncommon to go to the doctors office and not give a second thought to the nurse seen before and after the doctor. This is part of what makes hospice nurses different. They realize a close relationship with not only the patient, but the family as well. As with any medical profession, it can be difficult to show how a person went about obtaining their complainter. There are many routes available, on with characteristics that make up a good hospice nurse.Es moveial QuestionHow does a person become an telling hospice nurse?Supporting QuestionsWhat inculcateing is required, and what kind of classes should be interpreted?What kind of certification is necessityed, and how is it obtained?What i s the problem outlook, and why is it worry this?How pass on having certain characteristics and specific skills benefit?What schooling is required, and what kind of classes should be taken?To be accepted into nursing school, a person has to create a high school diploma. Taking classes in math, biology, and chemical accomplishment musical composition in high school help build a hard application, as well as beingness able to speak a foreign language. Someone looking into being a registered nurse can choose one of three alternatives when it comes to finding a program. The graduation exercise option is to get a four-year bachelors of science course in nursing. This is offered by to a greater extent than 700 colleges. The second option is to get either a two-year or a three-year associate degree in nursing, and this is possible at 850 alliance colleges. The final alternative would be to go through one of the 70 diploma programs available at some hospitals, which takes about t hree geezerhood (Education and Training, 2009, p.3).Regardless of which path is chosen, all nursing education pull up stakes deal supervised clinical and classroom instruction. Anatomy, physiology, microbiology, chemistry, nutrition, psychology, and behavioral sciences are some of the classes that are commonly taken by nursing students (Paying Your Dues, 2010, p.1).It is important to take math, biology, and chemistry in high school because even if they cant be taken as college credit, they are still crucial preparatory classes. They will serve as the basic foundation for starting out in nursing education. Being able to speak a foreign language is encouraging as well, because people from all backgrounds and cultures need medical help and deserve the right to speak in their own language. This is especially true in the hospice area of nursing because most patients are being taken care of in their own business firms, and need the comfort of not having to be show about what languag es their nurse can or cannot speak. One of a nurses main duties is to serve as a central communicator between the doctor and patient. The scoop out option to choose when picking a nursing program is getting a four-year bachelors of science degree (BSN). It used to be that a nurse with an associate degree could get a job at approximately any hospital. However, times are changing and it is now preferred that nurses perk up a four-year BSN. It is important for all of the programs to have experiences in clinics in all different settings because it provides students with a chance to learn about multiple areas of healthcare. For instance, a person could be planning to have a career in geriatrics, but after sp blocking hours at a nursing home for a clinical, they might completely change their mind.What kind of certification is needed, and how is it obtained?In the linked States, all hospice nurses must be registered nurses in addition to being certified by their enjoins health departm ent as a hospice worker. In order to become a registered nurse, a person must take and pass a national examination after graduating from a school of nursing (Education and Training, 2009, p.3). This examination is called the National Council Licensure examen, or NCLEX-RN (Licensing and Certification, 2010, p.7). It is mandatory for all registered nurses to transmigrate their license periodically, and some states require continuing education. This test is administered electronically, and is multiple-choice. Students usually bring forth studying for it in their final year of nursing school. Results are sent by mail and arrive five to eight weeks after the exam date.Being certified by the state health department as a hospice worker is important because it ensures that only nurses trained for this field will be entering palliative situations. If this requirement wasnt in place, any registered nurse could go into a home and perform hospice work. It is because of this rule that patien ts and families can get hold confident that they will receive the best care. The National council Licensure Examination helps the skinny out the students who arent quite ready to start their career in nursing, and need a little more time to study. The students who dont pass can stay fresh to study and try again the next time the test is administered.What is the job outlook, and why is it like this?Registered nurses have more than 2.5 million jobs in the United States. This is expected to hold through and only increase until at to the lowest degree the year 2016. The growth of healthcare in general and the needs of a quickly growing and aging population will raise the consider for registered nurses. The agency of Labor Statistics says that more freshly jobs are to be created for registered nurses than for any other occupation (Employment Outlook, 2010, p.4).The number of elderly is increasing rapidly, which creates many new jobs for hospice nurses. Another reason is because pa tients are becoming more and more okeh with the idea of in-home care, and are actually starting to prefer it. Technology is back up this by allowing nurses to deliver complex treatments away from hospitals.As interest in the field of hospice nursing grows, so do the opportunities. Right now there are two programs in the United States that provide masters degrees that focal point on hospice care. One is at New York University, and the other is at Ursuline College, which is in Pepper Pike, Ohio. However, once this career takes off, there will hopefully be more masters degree programs available that specialize in hospice nursing.How will having certain characteristics and specific skills benefit?Hospice nursing includes 24-hour availability, pain management, and family support have with compassionate listening and counseling skills (Hospice/palliative care nurses, p. 1) . According to Theresa ValigaNursing is a profession that challenges a person intellectually, sensiblely, and ac tivatedly. But it is also a profession that is incredibly rewarding. Nurses are with people during every major living event from birth to death. They have the privilege of being quite intragroup with strangers. They are well-respected and they make a real difference in the lives of people and communities. Who could ask for more from a career? (p. 1)Like she said, a hospice nurse needs to not only be able to handle the physical stress of the everyday work, but also the emotional stress. One of the main goals of hospice nursing is to find out the patients last wishes and make sure they are carried through and communicated to the family (A. Fredericks, person-to-person interview, December 9, 2010).On average, hospice patients die within a month of enrolling in a hospice program. Because of this fact, hospice nurses need to have skills to deal with sacred and culturally sensitive patients. They also need to be able to farm patients or help them bath, sit up, get out of bed, or walk . sometimes the patients are moody, confused, and uncooperative. Communication is a huge key in hospice nursing, because it is the nurses job to observe the patients condition and report it to the doctors, as well as the patients emotional needs and wishes to the family.How does a person become an effective hospice nurse?The first step to becoming an effective hospice nurse is getting a bachelors of science degree from a four-year nursing program. After that, the National Counsel Licensure Examination needs to be passed, as well as registering with a state health department as a hospice worker. A masters degree may be obtained specializing in palliative care. Amy Fredericks, a hospice worker encourages nursing students to continue on past their registered nursing licenses while they are relinquish and not tied down by family and career (Personal interview, December 9, 2010).An effective hospice nurse can walk out the door at the end of the day and know they made a difference, wheth er it be through do someone smile or teaching a family member how to care for their loved one. As a hospice nurse, it is important to be caring, compassionate, and knowledgeable in order to provide the best care for the patient.Annotated BibliographyHospice/palliative care nurses. (n.d.). Retrieved from http//www.nurse line of descent.org/hospice.html.This source have me specific information about hospice nursing and more enlarge on the day to day experiences.Hospice nurse. (2010, April 14). Retrieved from http//www.princetonreview.com/Careers.aspx?cid=177.This source was helpful because it talked about the educational steps needed in order to become a hospice nurse.Kathy, Initials. (2009, January 7). nucleotide health nursing. Retrieved from ultimatenurse.com/171.This source provided me with information about how hospice nurses serve as the run aground communicators between doctors and patients.Occupational outlook handbook. (2009, December 17). Retrieved from http//bls.gov.oco .ocos083.htm.This source helped me see the statistics from the Bureau of Labor and analyze the outlook for hospice nurses.Registered professional nurses. (2009, February).This source provided me with information about the working conditions of registered nurses as well as education and training and personal qualifications.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Homeless are Not Legitimate Members of a Community Essay -- Argume

The Homeless are Not Legitimate Members of a communityIn most every community in the United States thither exists an ever-growing population of disenfranchised one-on-ones, created by the absence of a home. Their flummox in the community allows them, at best, the socioeconomic status of the homeless-members in our community. But, are these homeless-members in reality decriminalize autonomous-members of a moral community? In this paper I will first argue that the homeless are not legitimate autonomous members of a community. Second that the community as a unit of measurement has a moral obligation to extend membership to the homeless by meeting their need for a home, and so legitimize their autonomy within the community.A moral community can most practically be defined as an entity constituted by all those people who drive to work out meaningful ways of living together (Ethics 98). It is the act upon of participants gaining access into a vast network of communal relations/ne gotiations which allows an individual the possibility to define and articulate his or her identity - with a reek of belonging. The grooming for participating in ones community starts in general at home in family life, as an individual - embedded in a social group - develops a moral-identity through the negotiation process of choices and actions that has its full expression within the greater community. The homeless, at least to approximately degree, have little or no part in these communal negotiations in their community due to their transient unstable condition. The community has not openly excluded the homeless from negotiations, it is simply an inadvertent social reality that is do by by the greater community. If a moral community is an inclusive coordinated network in whi... ...tion, must negotiate a directive where the well-grounded of that community can be fully realized by the inclusion body of all persons worthy of membership worthy of a home. Otherwise, an unarticu lated, disenfranchised world population in our community will continue to emerge on the other side of the economic-divide inducing an increased social dissonance. For how can members of a moral community exclaim, theres no place desire home if persons in their mist lament, theres no place - for us In the words of Peter Singer If it is in our effect to save someones life with little cost to our avow lives, then we our morally obligated to do so, and not to do so is morally reprehensible (Ethics 55). Works CitedAbbarno, G. John M. ed. The Ethics of Homelessness Philosophical Perspectives cling to Inquire Book Series, Vol. 86. Rodopi (Amsterdam, Atlanta, Ga), 1999.

The Impact on America of Turkish, Greek and Italian Immigrants and Thei

The Impact on America of Turkish, classical and Italian Immigrants and Their individual Cultures My giving Fat Greek Wedding, The Godfather, The Italian Job, Roberto Benigni, Mario Andretti, Frank Capra, spaghetti, gelato, Turkish baths.? What do all of these have in common All of them are substantially known parts of American culture, yet they have all been influenced and shake by Italian, Greek, and Turkish immigrants and their respective cultures.? Because America is a melting deal of cultures, it is understandable that each participating culture brings its own unique gusto to the mix.? Three of the most evident portions of American society, entertainment, food, and religion are likewise probably the three portions most affected by the infusion of red-hot immigrants and culture.? This influence is especially evident when the immigrants concerned hail from the countries of Turkey, Italy, and Greece.? Their impact is encompassing reaching and long-lasting. My Big F at Greek Wedding was the fifth highest grossing moving picture in the US in 2002, and is the highest grossing independent movie ever.? The only movies that brought in more money were all special effects intensive such(prenominal) as Spider-Man, The Lord of The Rings? The Two Towers, and Star Wars? Episode Two.? My Big Fat Greek Wedding instead focused on the elementary story of a Greek woman falling in shaft with a non-Greek man and the way in which they attempt to blend their truly different backgrounds.? Nia Vardalos, the writer and star of the movie, is the descendent of Greek immigrants and clearly apply her own cultural background and experience to the movie. Audiences learned how most Greek children in America attend Greek school, Greek families are really close, and that there is an expectation f... ... immigrants as well as subsequent generations.? The traditions of various(a) cultures, especially Italian, Greek, and Turkish cultures are evident in the history of the American movie.? Our diet is also largely comprised of ethnic foods, particularly Italian.? The various places of venerate available to parishioners also exemplify the impact of immigrants.? Without the countless interactions between varying cultures, America would not be the multi-faceted country that it is.? America truly is a melting pot of countries, and as each of these countries continue to contribute aspects of their culture, the alteration and uniqueness of America will continue to increase. Works Citedhttp//www.immigrationforum.org/pubs/articles/immigrantsinnews2001.htmhttp//www.imdb.comhttp//www.turkish-delight.com/Buscaglia, Leo. Papa, My Father. New island of Jersey SLACK, 1989.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Depletion Of Forests Essay -- essays research papers fc

Can you picture our earth without forests? Many of us cant. woods c everyplace approximately one fifth of the worlds land issue and play an important role in our everyday lives (Dudley 4). Forests take into account us with many products and services from helping maintain wearing away to providing jobs for our citizens. Humanity depends on the survival of a healthy ecosystem and deforestation is causing many social, economic and ecological problems. One ecological problem is Global warming slime eels is caused when carbon is released into the air after the burning of forests. Governments and industries must become to a greater extent aw argon of these consequences of their activities and change accordingly. They need to cooperate with forest management and reckon towards a future that benefits all. Humans need to be educated closely the current issues of the forests in order for us to save, preserve or entertain these places that provide us with so much.Humans depend tremen dously on the worlds forests, but yet were the ones destroying them. For humans, the forests have many aesthetic, recreational, economic, and ethnical values. Timber and other products of the forests are important economically both locally and as exports. They provide employment for those who harvest the wood or for those who identify products from the living forest. Forests also provide us with medical drugs, dyes and fabrics. There are many people who are dependent on forestland for their livelihoods. One three of the worlds people depend on wood for burn as a significant energy come (Dudley). Not unless do the forests provide some people with homes, but also provides a popular setting for ecotourism, which includes hiking, camping, bird watching and other outdoor risk or nature study activities. All these activities and products the forests provide us are at great risk from deforestation.Not only do forests provide us with all this but also protect soil from erosion and re duces the risks of landslides and avalanches. Trees help sustain freshwater supplies therefore are an important cipher in the availability of one of lifes basic needs. Forests repair the climate and are also a very important source of oxygen. One major factor that the forests carry is that they are the home to over one half of the worlds total species (Dudley). Current... ...humans are termination to have to undergo some degree of ideological change. Humans are going to have to live more sustainable lives and become imminent with nature. Once the crisis of deforestation has passed, humankind will enjoy a better existence, and will look forward to a bright future.BibliographyAnderson, Anthony. Alternatives to Deforestation travel Toward Sustainable Use of the Amazon Rain Forest. New York Columbia University Press, 1999.Dudley, Nigel. The decease of Trees. London Pluto Press Limited, 1985.Food and Agricultural Organization of the get together Nations. The Challenge of Sustaina ble Forest Management What Future for the Worldnt Forest? Rome FAO, 1993Hatch, Chris. Consuming Canadas Forests. Brazil of the North. 1997, pg. 23.Land Slides. Encarta Reference suite 2000. CD-ROM. 1999Ness, Bryan. Saving Tropical Forests Profitably. 17 May 1998. 23 Oct. 1999. Shuster, Laurie. Senate Votes to Continue deliver Logging. HomeImprovement Market v 233 p10. 24 Oct. 1999

Solar System Essay -- essays research papers

The Solar SystemByDelete this school text and type your name here.IntroductionAs far as we cope, in that respect are nine planets locked in orbit almost the Sun. Only one, our witness Earth, supports life. But there are unnumberable early(a) suns throughout countless galaxies scattered across the expanse of the universe. We still dont know if life exists on an opposite planet in near other galaxy. atomic number 80Named for the wing-footed messenger of the Roman divinitys, Mercury races around its orbit at a dizzying speed of 30 miles (48 kilometers) per second, making the Mercurial year completely 88 Earth days long. In contrast, one rotation around its axisor a single daytakes almost 59 Earth days.GeologyMariner 10 gave us a wealth of randomness about Mercury when it approached the planet in 1974 and 1975. Because Mercury has no piddle and barely any atmosphere, no erosion has taken place on its come forth. We see Mercury much the way it was soon after it formed. subs tanceWe learned that Mercury has an extremely weak magnetic battlefield, which could indicate a hot met on the wholeic core, such as molten iron. Geologists think Mercury may be the most iron-rich planet in the solar system. pertnessMercurys crust seems to be silicate, like that of Earth.CratersThe planets surface, viewed for the first time via Mariners cameras, is covered by craters. The buffet occurred during the early period of the solar system when clumps of material were ramming into each other to form the planets. AtmosphereMercury doesnt have what we think of as an atmospherethat is, a gaseous envelope that produces clouds and weather or protects the surface of the planet from roughly of the harmful solar radiation. The weak magnetic field on Mercury captures only the barest perceptible trace of charged particles from the Sun. genus VenusShrouded in the cloak of mystery, Venus, our nearest planetary neighbor, takes the name of the Roman goddess of love. For some unknown r eason, Venus rotates on its axis in retrogradethat is, in the reverse direction of its revolution around the Sun.GeologyGeologically, Venus appears to have some similarities to Earth. Its crust is probably granitic, overlying a basaltic mantle and a iron-nickel core. The geologic activity that we are familiar with on Earth seems not to exist on Venus, except for the presence two volcanoes along a fault line.... ...p17Uranus19.1884 years16 hours14.544.1015Neptunegod of the deep blue sea30.06165 years18 hours17.233.888Plutogod of the underworld39.44248 years6.4 days.002?0.12-0.301* AU = Astronomical Unit (Earth = 1)ConclusionWe know more and more all the time about our own solar system. During the past 15 years, shoes probes such as the Mariner and Voyager missions have given us wonderful detail about all the planets in this system. Tiny by simile to the Milky Way, our solar system is awesome, nevertheless, when considered in human scale.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Essay --

William Shakespeares settlement presents the generic elements found in Renaissance strike back tragedies (Revenge tragedy). However, although small town is a retaliation tragedy by definition, Shakespeare complicates the basic revenge plan by creating three revenge plots out of one. By adding momentous innovations, Shakespeare creates three concentric rings of revenge (Frye 90), depicting an indecisive booster unit who is an intellectual rather than a physical hero, an ambiguous ghost, and several knotted aspects of the play, such as the reason for Hamlets delay, the confusion of time, and the truth behind Hamlets sheer madness.In a typical revenge tragedy, a hero is called upon by the ghost of a family member to avenge his death (Revenge cataclysm). Hamlet is the main genius and hero called upon by his amazes ghost to revenge his foul and most unnatural murder (1.5.31). When Hamlet first hears that his father was murdered, he exclaims, Haste me to knowt, that I, with win gs as swift...may sweep to my revenge (1.5.35-37). He is hungry to avenge his father however, Hamlet does nothing and at the closed avouch of Act II he scolds himself that this player...could force his soul so to his own conceit...all for nothing...yet, he...can say nothing for a king upon whose property and most love life life a damned defeat was made (2.2.578-598). Hamlet is unordered that he hasnt yet acted to avenge his father, but some mere faker can build up so much emotion for nothing. Shakespeare complicates the plot because revenge tragedies are supposed to have a courageous and hard-hitting protagonist who swiftly carries out his deed of revenge instead, Shakespeare modifies the hero and portrays Hamlet as an indecisive and contemplative man. Additional... ...e to properly fill his role as being both the avenger and the murderer, and so resorts to feigning madness to move the reality of his life. Through the use of soliloquies, modern readers are able to imbibe the internal struggles of Hamlets quotation. This allows them to sympathize with him because we can better understand how the loss of not only his entire family to murder, but also his best fri abolishs to betrayal stirred Hamlets ability to act. Furthermore, his fathers spirit giving Hamlet the burden of vengeance did no justice instead, it resulted in more emotional disturbance and problems. Overall, at the end of the play, modern readers see Hamlet as a sympathetic character because throughout the play we can observe his character and emotional discipline as he progresses from a melancholic and contemplative coward to an impulsive protagonist accepting death.

Women in The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven by Sherman Alexi

Women in The L nonpareil Ranger and Tonto pugilism in Heaven by Sherman AlexieA warrior is recognized as sonmeone who participations for his/her beliefs. Even after receiving mortal wounds many times, much(prenominal) a person never leaves the battlefield. However, the inspiring and metaphorical idea of a warrior can certainly extend beyond the actual battlefield, and into the universal battle of living life. A woman must present this world care a warrior. She must endure the pain of a past that loaded her, the adversity of a present that is only beginning to understand her, and a future that will continuously test her. From the beginning of time, native American women have been a driving force in their acculturations, retaining their immense distinctiveness throughout centuries of exploitation. Mothers and grandmothers held the family together with their gentle power, and medicine women were the local psychologists, therapists, physicians, and marriage counselors to correct tribes. In The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, Sherman Alexies short bill collection about life on the Spokane Indian reservation, Alexie depicts characters that are world-wearied and menacing with 500 years worth of humiliation and rejection. They have lived their lives in the check of the reservation, resorting to alcohol, depression, and frustration. However, these women seek to hold together, both spiritu solelyy and generatively, the fabric of a culture that is assaulted on all sides. They are warrior-like in their determination to battle the hardships of their lives, all while holding their families and their heritage together with great compassion and spirit.Although one may argue that many of these women were un commensurate to avoid the inevitable note of hopelessness, one can see with a deeper look into the reservation that they intemperately wrestle the battles that reflection them. The most immediate hardships that many of the women in Alexies stories f ace are the struggles to hold together their crumbling families. For example, Victors mother must endure the versatile storms of her life her husbands alcoholism, the lack of basic necessities, her own depression, and the overall desperation of the household. However, she is able to implement her family a sense of hope. During all these kinds of tiny storms, Victors mother would repeal with her medicine and magic?She would comb Victors braids into dreams. (p. 5) ... ...e women face their opposition with a warriors specialism yet also with a maternal-like gentle compassion. Whether it is picking up the pieces of a broken family, reaching out to a community, or having pride in ones heritage and background, the women all show a sincere dedication that is really admirable. A womans life is never easy, and the additional struggles of being a Native American make life on the Spokane reservation even harder. and these women bless the shields of their warriors as they face the unjust world, and they look towards the future with a warriors spirit themselves.Summary Paragraph The women characters in Sherman Alexies The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven all show great compassion and warrior-like attitude, in spite of the many trials that face them. They are able to hold their families together and give them some sense of hope. These women also extend their dedication into their broken communities by offering kindness and refuge. However, the greatest internal conflict that they face with strength is taking pride in their own heritage and spreading this pride. They face all of the innumerable opponents in life with a warriors spirit.

Monday, March 25, 2019

pride and prejudice :: essays research papers

summaryChapter 1 The bennets new populateRich, young, single man, Mr. Bingley moves next to the Bennets. Mrs. Bennet is very excited and is sure that he is going to join one of his five daughters. In fact, Mr. Bingley and Jane, the first daughter, argon interested in each other. Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bingleys friend, gets interested in Elizabeth although he thought that she was only an unfashionable village girl at first. Chapter 2 Janes illnessKitty and Lydia get very interested in the regiment that arrives in Meryton where their Aunt lives. Jane goes to visit the Bingleys and becomes ill duration going there because of the rain. Elizabeth comes to see how Janes doing and stays with her for a a few(prenominal) days. Mr. Bingleys sisters mock the Bennet family. Jane and Elizabeth go back home a few days later. Chapter 3 Mr. collins visits LongbournMr. Collins, who is to inherit everything when Mr. Bennet dies because of sound reasons, comes to visit the Bennets to do nearlything rou ghly the inheritance problem. Mr. Collins thought that he was being very generous to the family. And he is thinking of marrying one of the Bennet girls to make amends to them.Chapter 4 Elizabeth meets Mr. WickhamAll the Bennet girls except bloody shame go to Meryton and meet a man named Mr. Wickham. Elizabeth and Mr. Wickham talk about Darcy and Wickham tells Elizabeth about how terrible a man Darcy is. Bingley is giving a ball at his house and the unit Bennet family goes. Elizabeth is embarrassed by her familys appearance at the ball.Chapter 5 Mr. Collins proposes marriageMr. Collins asks Elizabeth to marry him still she refuses. Her mother is very mad about it but her father is rejoicing that she decided not to marry him. Jane receives a letter from Caroline Bingley that their whole family is moving to London for the winter. And she also tells Jane that her brother is probably going to marry Mr. Darcys sister and Jane gets very depressed. Charlotte Lucas and Mr. Collins get eng aged. Chapter 6 Elizabeth visits Mr. And Mrs. CollinsMrs. Bennets brother and his wife Mr. And Mrs. Gardiner come to visit the Bennets for Christmas. some(prenominal) days later they return to London and take Jane with them for her to get some fresh air. Mr. Collins and Charlotte get married soon after this and they vacate for Hunsford.

The Merchant Of Venice :: Free Merchant of Venice Essays

In The Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare, there appears moneylender. He is a Jew, that more than we are told in the cast list. But, as the play unfolds Shylock is seen to be the villian. He is protrayed as being cold, unbending, and evil. But is he? Is Shylock unfeignedly the antagonist in this play or can he to a fault be viewed as persecuted individual who resorts to revenge only after he has been pushed too far.To fully understand the character of Shylock we must branch look at Elizabea and so attitudes towards Jews. In the sixteenth century Jews were rarely if incessantly seen in England. In the Middle Ages Jews had fled to England to escape persecution in France under the Normans. They were allow charter in England by Henry I in come for a percentage of their profits from trade and money modify. It is here that the stereotype of Jews lending money was started. Because of the tariffs placed on them by the crown Jews took to charging high enkindle rates to secure profits for themselves. Here we see echos of Shylock with his usury. ultimately the Jews were ordered out of England in 1254 by Edward I. They did not return to England until the later(prenominal) half of the seventeenth century. (Lippman 3-4) Jews were also viewed as devils by Elizabeathan audiences. Old stories visualised them as "blood-thirsty murders" that poisoned wells and killed Christian children for their bizarre Passover ritu als. (Stirling 21) These were the stereotypes which Shakespeares audience held in regard to Jews. Shakespeare himself had never seen a Jew but he goes to great lengths to humanize Shylock even while perpetuating the stereotype.In Act 13, before Shylock ever says a word to Antonio, he lets the audience know in an aside that he hates Antonio. He hates him for having hindered him in business and for having humiliated him in public by spitting on him and calling him names such as "dog" and "cutthroat Jew". Shylock tells the au dience he hopes to read revenge on Antonio both for his own humiliation and for the persecution that the Jews have presbyopic suffered at the hands of the Christians. I hate him for he is a Christian. . . If I can catch him once upon the hip, I will leave fat the ancient grudge I bear him.He hates our sacred ground . . . Cursd be my tribe if I forgive him (I,iii,40-49) Shylock then tells Antonio that he wants to be friends with him and will conclude the bond for a puzzle of flesh as a "merry sport.